Event Schedule

The plan is to have 3 games on 09.10 and 2 games on 10.10.
The final winner will be the player that scored best during all 5 games.
We also plan some integration activities on Friday and Saturday evenings.
You will find the details below, for now here is the +/- plan:

09.10 Saturday

9:30 Official Start of the event – pairing.
10:00 – 12:30 First Game
12:30-12:45 Short Break
12:45-15:15 Second Game
15:15-16:00 Dinner Break
16:00-18:30 Last Game
18:30 First Day Summary

10.10 Sunday

9:45 Start of the second Day
10:00 – 12:30 First Game
12:30-12:45 Short Break
12:45-15:15 Second Game
15:15-16:00 Dinner Break
16:00 Final Scoring + Prizes + Prize Lottery