Future of 2020 Champs

Dear friends and colleagues
2020 is a strange and difficult year for many of us. I hope you are all well and safe. For the last few weeks I was hoping that both virus and all country restrictions would be gone by the time of EU Champs.

Sadly it seems this won’t happen and it will take much longer for us to recover and restore international travel. At the moment it’s also illegal to have such a big gathering in Poland. While I’m sure it would be possible to run the event in June – traveling for all of our great players might be a problem or even an impossible task.

Because of that I created this pool. I would like to know your opinion on the matter. Would you like to try to come to us in June (if it will be legal we will surely have a small scale event in Warsaw) or choose one of later dates for the official event – or you don’t want to travel this year at all. Please let us know!

Whatever you decide – remember! Your health and well-being is the most important of all!
Stay safe and hope to see you soon

FB – pool

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